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  2. Troubleshooting

How to fix "You are not permitted to take this action" error

I can't connect my Amazon Seller or Vendor Central account.

Are you seeing this error message when connecting your Amazon Seller or Vendor Central account?

"You are not permitted to take this action."

If yes, this is a permission error (i.e. Amazon informs you that you have insufficient permissions. To fix this, you can follow the simple steps below:

  1. Log in to your Seller or Vendor Central account.

  2. Go to Settings on the menu.

  3. Select Manage Permissions.

  4. Ensure your user has the following permissions

    • Manage Integrations (EDI/API) = YES

For agencies, you may have to ask your client to modify this permission for you if you are unable to.


If you encounter any issues, feel free to reach out and we're happy to walk you through this process.